Monday, January 17, 2011

Say Yes

Barbara Williams from Shoot New Zealand put Director Darren Simmonds in touch with me. Darren is based in Wanaka, and wanted to make something special for his client 1791 Diamonds.

Paul Wedel.
All of the effects were achieved in camera. The only color correction was a very basic levels adjustment. The film was edited by


I used my Sony EX3 with Letus Lens Adaptor various Nikon and Zeiss Primes and recorded it all to my NanoFlash. Darren loved the picture on my new Sony PVM-740 Monitor. The picture is very accurate and allowed us to make fine adjustments in camera.


Darren chose some stunning locations and we scheduled the day around the best light.


I worked with natural light outside, adding a little bit of smoke to this setup - we calculated the sun position and used it to our advantage rather than working with large HMI's.


The bathtub setup was shot on the Canon 5D2 along with some of the other low light shots that we filmed in Wellington.


With the Wellington shoot we carried on our policy of filming at dawn and dusk. This setup was at 5.30am on the top floor of Wellington's tallest building. This was organised by Film Wellington along with The Museum Hotel, which pulled double duty by being a great location and a wonderful place to stay!

Overall I am very proud of this mood film. I am proud that we achieved all of the effects in camera. I believe that Darren is a hugely talented director and I look forward to working with him again soon.